Designing KPIs to Drive Process Improvement

Do Your KPIs Drive the Performance of Your Business?

Process improvement is all about making things work better, whether this is because a process is deemed to be broken or because we know it could be better. When you use your business’ information to create Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that help you to drive the right kinds of improvement then the rate of change can be so much faster.

KPIs are popular in most businesses, but often these pieces of information don’t give you the right picture, or they tell you how bad things have been. This short book will help you to see your business processes and the relevant KPIs differently so that you can develop your own suite of tools to help you select the right process improvement activities.

Do you have an operational challenge?

This book is aimed at mid-level managers who need to implement KPIs that are specific to their business, are tasked with achieving operational objectives and want to use their business data to help drive the performance improvement required.

This book includes:

    • A step by step process to help you define your own KPIs and corresponding KPI management process.


    • Advice on how to make KPIs actually work for your business.


  • Suggestions on how you can take this approach forward for your business.

Sometimes it is essential that a business improves its discipline with existing processes in order for change to happen, this book can help with that too. This book gives you a step by step process to follow to help you design the right KPIs for your business to achieve its goals faster.

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